Getting to Know

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"Cute Angel"

Sel was born on May 7, 1974 in Quezon City. He is the eldest of 4 siblings. He has 3 brothers and a sister. Sel was very naughty when he was still little. One time, he got bumped on his head when he was playing a jeepney out of chair. 

Sel's family has always been religious. Every Sunday, they would go to church to hear mass. Sel even used to be a "sakristan" (altar boy) when he was 10. They made a habit of praying the rosary everyday. His father who's also a devout Christian, is a lay minister.

"Precious Angel"

Jen was born on June 17, 1975 in Bacolor, Pampanga. She was still in her mother's womb when her father died. Jen was a very silent but naughty person when she was little. She grew up with her mother with lots of hardships and difficulties in life. She is a very religious person. She always prays and attends mass everyday and participates in religious organization.

"Identical Twins."

Jen has an identical twin. Her name is Jessica. Jessica works as a nurse while Jen works as a teacher. As twins, aside from being identical, they share each others secrets and love each other very much. They both make sure that they look out for one other. 

Jessica & Jennifer as Maids of Honor.

Jen is younger than her twin sister. She is also a very strong person unlike her twin sister. On the other hand, Jessica knows how to cook unlike Jen. But beware... if both Jen & Jessica make fun of you, it will become one embarrassing day of your life.

"We are sisters."

Jen is the youngest among the three. Her twin sister Jessica and her eldest sister Marilyn is very supportive and they make sure that they look out for each other all the time. Marilyn is already married and she is now living in California USA while her twin sister is working as a professional nurse in the U.K.

"Anniversary & Marriage Proposal"

Sel & Jen celebrated their first year anniversary last January 5, 2003 in Jen's house in Sta. Rosa. Sel bought their anniversary cake in Goldilocks while Jen prepared the food. They both blew their "one year" candle with hugs and kisses. After that, they both gave giftsto each other. Sel gave Jen a very big gift for their anniversary. When she opened her gift, she found a tiny box wrapped with medium-to-big-sized boxes. Then she found the "promised ring." And then, Sel proposed marriage... "Will you marry me."... "Yes, I do..."

Sel & Jen together.

Sel & Jen enjoy being together.  Being together makes them happy and fulfilled. Being together helps them forget all their problems.  And being together makes them feel the presence of LOVE.

Copyright - Edsel & Jen

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